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China Logistics Opened the International Freight Route From Zhengzhou, Wuhu to Seoul

Time : 2024-09-20

  International Express Company of China Logistics, Zhengzhou = Wuhu = Seoul international cargo flight recently successfully made its inaugural journey, marking the official opening of the first fully independent operation of the international freightroute of the International Express Company.

  The flightdeparted from Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport. The fresh cargo imported from Southeast Asia was transmitted toWuhu Xuanzhou Airport and distributed to the East China market. With the fully loaded e-commerce goods in East China, the flight re-set off 1400 kilometers to Seoul Incheon International Airport in South Korea. The flight returns with daily chemical products, electronic products, and other goods to Wuhu Xuanzhou Airport, and then transfers East China international cargo to Zhengzhou Xinzheng Airport. The flight routeis planned 1 flight per day, with a total cargo capacity of 50 tons per round-trip flight.

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